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Managing Funds

Everything about sending, receiving and earning crypto on Wombat.
How Can I Buy EOS On Wombat?
Buying EOS with Wombat is easy. Go to your Wallet screen and tap or click on Cash In. You can either buy directly with a credit card (through our partner Moonpay) or from other peers and token holders (through CryptoLocally). Additionally, you also can buy EOS through any exchange of your choice (e.g. Coinbase) and send your purchased EOS directly to your Wombat wallet.
Which Tokens Does Wombat Support?
Wombat supports EOS-, WAX-, Ethereum- and Telos-based tokens. You can easily manage stores of value like ETH or pBTC, as well as major dApps’ utility tokens (BOX, UNI, BLUDAC) and in-game currencies (MANA, SOUL, PGL, etc.). You can browse through hundreds of assets and add them to your wallet by tapping Add Token in your Wombat app. In the extension, all tokens, including the ones with zero balance, are visible by default. We try to keep the token library up-to-date but the numbers of tokens are increasing every day. If you’d like to see a particular token listed on Wombat, please, reach out to our support team and apply for a listing.
How Can I Buy Other Crypto With Wombat?
You can easily buy, sell and swap many EOS- and Telos-based tokens on Wombat. The process will differ, depending on the platform you’re using, desktop or mobile. On desktop: Open Newdex and sign in with Wombat. Don’t forget to choose the network that you want to work with — EOS or Telos. If you want to buy TLOS, you will need to choose EOS. Go to Exchange and then choose Markets. If you’re looking to trade EOS-based tokens, click on EOS Main. If you’re interested in forks, such as TLOS, choose EOS Side. You can easily find the needed trade pair via search bar in the upper right corner. That’s it, you’re almost there! Simply set the amount of tokens you want to buy, confirm the purchase/sale and sign the transaction. Small tip: tick the Free CPU operation option under Total so that it doesn’t consume your CPU. On mobile: In the app, tap on Exchange. This will take you directly to Newdex with your EOS account. To work with the Telos network, go to your Wallet, find TLOS and tap on Trade. Once logged in, go to the Market screen and choose EOS or its forks. If you don’t see the needed asset right away, tap on the looking glass in the upper right corner and type its ticker in. Next, tap on Buy or Sell and set the needed amount. Tap on the button again and confirm the transaction. You can also buy tokens on any exchange supporting EOS and Telos assets and send it to your wallet with your account name.
How Can I Add A Token To Wombat?
By default, Wombat displays EOS and TLOS tokens only. You can browse through hundreds of assets and add them in your wallet by tapping Add Token in your Wombat app. We try to keep the token library up-to-date but the numbers of tokens are increasing every day. If you’d like to see a particular token listed on Wombat, please, reach out to its issuers first for them to apply for a listing.
How Can I Update My Balance From 0?
If you expect a different balance than displayed
How Can I Send Crypto on Wombat?
To send crypto on Wombat, you need to open the Wallet screen and select the token you want to send. If you don’t see it in the Wallet, make sure to add it first. Next, tap Send — you will see a new screen with the transfer details. Type in the receiver’s address, the amount and the memo. Please double-check the selected address and memo — especially if you’re sending it to an exchange! — before you confirm the transaction.
How Can I Receive Crypto On Wombat?
You can receive EOS
How Can I Withdraw Money From Wombat?
To exchange your tokens to fiat money like USD or EUR
I see a 'Warning. You have not provided a memo' message when sending funds. What can I do?
If you’re seeing this error message when trying to send funds, it means that you are sending tokens to your exchange account without exactly telling the exchange where it should credit funds. Having thousands or even millions of users moving funds on a daily basis, exchanges only operate via their own EOS or Telos account names. Users’ funds are being correctly attributed with the use of a memo containing your unique identification. On Probit, it looks like a numeric code. What happens if I don’t put a memo or if the memo is incorrect? If you sent tokens away with a faulty or missing memo, they may take longer to arrive or, in many cases, never get credited to your account. At this point, there is nothing Wombat can do, as the funds left your account already. In this case, please contact the exchange and provide them with a transaction link and your EOS or Telos account name. You can find the former on (EOS) or (Telos) or in the token’s transaction history on Wombat.
How Can I Earn On Wombat?
Wombat provides a plethora of opportunities to get more tokens. For example, you can earn by lending EOS at the REX exchange, giving your EOS votes to a proxy, staking EOS-based tokens or by playing games. A good overview of how to earn EOS with playing games can be found in our Wombat blog.

Still not quite what you were looking for?

We’ll be happy to help! Please, include your EOS/WAX/Telos account name or the Ethereum address, the device you’re using Wombat on, Wombat version (you can see it in the lower section of Settings), as well as your sign-up method (Gmail, Facebook, Twitter or Apple ID) and details of the issue you’re facing. Our Support Team will get back to you within 48 hours.
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